Originally Posted By Cheyenne
I hate to see an abuse of the legal system under any circumstances. But, what they did was unimaginably inconsiderate. It is akin to dressing up like nazis in a Synagogue. If they wanted to shoot sacrilegious scenes in their own space, that is no one's business but their own. But, to take it to a place that people hold sacred? I don't blame the people for replacing the alter.

Should they have been arrested when they didn't break the law, however offensive their behavior was? No.

Should they make restitution to the people they so boldly disrespected? Yes.

We all do stupid things sometimes. But, their lack of understanding how inconsiderate their behavior was is shocking. If people look down on the BDSM scene, it is because of this type of behavior. They should have immediately offered a heartfelt apology and restitution to the church. I hate it when fundamental Christians nose into the BDSM world and disrespect our views. It makes Christians, many of whom are well meaning people, look bad. What these ladies did makes us kink players look bad. How can feel it is okay to brag about the restitution being in $666. installments? They were clearly in the wrong.

I couldn't agree with you more. I was taught that we in BDSM should never involve unknowing, or unwilling participants in our scenes. By vandalizing a church they involved the parishioners in their activities.

They were shooting clips depicting the anal rape of a Priest in the sanctuary. Totally unconcerned about the religious believe of others.

They damaged the parishioners, especially the elderly, and children of the parish.

Make no mistake this was a deliberate act. Father Travis, Satanatrix, and Empress Ming, are guilty of a federal hate crime. Made far worse by their callous and mocking attitudes, after the fact.

The Satanartix, alleges that "We reached a deal: misdemeanor institutional vandalism, NDA and $8k restitution split between @Empress_Ming and I paid to the church over the next 6 months". and "Yes, that is correct. $666.66/per month each".

I find these statements to be utterly absurd. She fails to explain how Felony vandalism, which requires damages over $500, could be reduced to a misdemeanor, requiring retribution of $8000.

She simply isn't telling the truth! She also fails to address the felony obscenity charge, which was reinstated after the felony Institutional vandalism charges were brought.

Don't be fooled by the Smoke & Mirrors. This is a simple case of bad people doing bad things, and hurting innocent people.

Names & Places


Edited by Northstar (07/31/22 08:40 AM)
Edit Reason: Name removal required by Mistress Cheyenne.
Woman is the North Star in my night sky, but also in Her own.