Strict Lady Cloe - New York

Posted by: OwwItHz

Strict Lady Cloe - New York - 11/02/15 07:31 AM

My radar is fine tuned to lock in on those who prefer the describption of "disciplinarian" to "dominatrix," so I've been curious about Cloe for quite some time. I was a bit hesitant since there are a lot of typing and grammatical errors on her web site which, to me, suggests she may be kind of sloppy, but I read a post on Max Fisch from someone who had seen her and reported that she was an excellent spanker, more in the sensual style than pure discipline. This is what I look for in a session and I had hoped to see her on one of her visits to the DC area, but we never managed to match up schedules there. My usual go-to spanker when I'm in NYC is Bobbi (Mommy Discipline), but I thought I'd take the opportunity to visit Cloe when attending a convention in New York last week.

First, if you're reading this, you probably saw my post about missed schedules. Yup, Cloe's the most recent one. I was always very clear about the date, we spoke on the phone the morning of the appointment, and when I got to her place, she wasn't there. At least we got in touch by phone within a copule of minutes (as opposed to Julianne, last year, who never returned phone calls or e-mails asking why she missed our appointment). She said she thought I was coming on Friday rather than Thursday and was on the subway heading elsewhere at the moment. Most of my trips to NY are there-and-back the same day so re-scheduling usually isn't an option for me if something goes wrong, but since I was there for four days this trip, we were able to re-schedule for the next day.

I arrived, called her from the door (it's one of those buildings where you need to be buzzed in) and she met me at her door when I got out of the elevator. She led me past her darkened office space in front to a bedroom in the back, and that's where I got my first look at her other than the cut off photos on her web site. She's a bit on the chunky side (web site photos hint at that) though not by any means fat, and I found her to be very attractive. She has shoulder length blond hair and a very pretty face and smile. English isn't her first language (I think she's Swiss, though she speaks more accurately than she writes) - we chatted for a few minutes, and then got down to business.

This lady can spank! I asked for a half-hour session, mostly bare hand, mostly over her knee, and that's exactly what I got. The spanking was well paced, alternating heavy and light spanks, but no play patty-cake smacks and no two-handed grandstanding or "butt-bongo-playing," just straight-ahead spanking. I got just what I was looking for, and that's what makes a good session for me. I can't tell you if she;s strong enough to restrain you if you struggle or if she can spank you to tears - those aren't my criteria - but she understood what I wanted and that's what she gave me. I still had a tingling bottom the next day, and that doesn't always happen when I get spanked.

She had asked whether I liked role playing - I usually do, at least enough to set up a reason for getting spanked - and I had e-mailed her a couple of my favorite "first timer" roles that work for me though, we didn't really discuss the matter. My intention wasn't to say "do this," but just to give her an idea of the sort of things that might result in a spanking. She defiinitely had an idea of what I was after and delivered on it, but she started right off with "get your pants down and get over my knee" and that's pretty much all the set-up I got. But, you know, I didn't really mind that she wasn't playing my boss, a thrapist or a neighbor. I learned from this experience that I can enjoy just a spanking if it's a good one, and it was. This was also my first time getting a bit of spanking in the diaper position (lying on my back with her holding my legs over my head). It's not something I'd ask for, but I didn't mind. Nor did I mind getting a few smacks with my belt.

Overall, it was a good time and I'd see her again. If you're interested in the things I am, you'd probably find her to be a good match. If you're looking for more dungeon-like spanking as part of other activities, well, you'll just have to ask her.

Posted by: badboybuffalo

Re: Strict Lady Cloe - New York - 11/02/15 03:16 PM

Nice review. Next time I'm in NYC I will be sure to look her up. Always good to find someone who knows what they are doing.
Posted by: Paulie

Re: Strict Lady Cloe - New York - 04/29/23 05:20 PM


I had the opportunity to meet her in Boston about a few months ago. It was not quite a great session experience I had with her. I am into age play.

How I found about her was on Eros and I saw her website no photos of her but she did send me a link where her reviews and photos where. Many picture of her were that she was very attractive. Sadly that was not the case

We made plans to meet for a session and when I arrived there I was somewhat Disappointed because she was not at all what I expected to see. I can understand people change but I felt I was meeting with a healthy attractive Domme yet she was overweight and her hair was a bit messy ( am not against folks who are overweight but the photos did not show her true self which I would like) She is very nice and had a bit of an accent

Our session was not very good at all. She kept rushing me and was not a very good spanker in my opinion. She did was really not into ageplay at all which I wish she would have advised me so that I didnt have to set up a time to meet with her.

I will not meet with her again and I don't highly recommend her for anyone who is into ageplay. She may be good in other areas of BDSM play but not ageplay at all.

Boston Baby
Posted by: weisen

Re: Strict Lady Cloe - New York - 05/05/24 03:36 PM

ive seen her...I wrote her a very scripted scene and it worked out ok. She doesnt have the greatest touch but she can follow a script. The photos are total AI