study out: ABnormal not so abnormal

Posted by: ztrade

study out: ABnormal not so abnormal - 03/19/16 07:17 PM

The results of a new study are out on foxnews. Researchers "surveyed" with 1000 people in Quebec with a self-chosen-participation online survey. There were 8 behavior on which researchers desired information re public fantasies or participation.

4 of them were found to be fantasied of or participated in so frequently that it becomes doubtful they should be called abnormal.

Of course, there is ABnormal, a form of the word used in Young Frankenstein.

1/3 had an interest in voyeurism . . . about 26% had an interest in rubbing up against strangers and 19% "liked" masochism.

The survey was done online, by persons who choose to answer the questions, and it therefore may not accurately represent the public as a whole.

Also, the study does, as it is reported in Foxnews, does not separated out the % that fantasize about and those who participate. Presumably the researchers actually did ask questions to separate those things out, but is it that 19% fantasize about masochism or 19% that practice it?